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About Dataworks

It's not about us - it's about you.

You're unique and so is your project. That is why your Dataworks customer service rep will have, at a minimum, seven years experience and be backed up by a superb technical staff. Your project will move effortlessly into production married to a quality control program developed over our 29 years in the media industry.

We offer same day service for CDR/DVDR production and a wide variety of custom and off the shelf media packaging. From literally one disc to one million, with packaging and fulfillment, we can do it! Conversion service? Want to get those old VHS tapes onto DVD? Got vinyl you want on CD? They can be ready to go in just a few days.

But Are We Reliable?

Many of our corporate customers have been with us since we first opened in Midtown Manhattan. They are a bottom line bunch, with shareholders to answer to and virtually no tolerance for late delivery or inferior product. We'd like to think they have stayed with us all these years because we are likable (we are kinda likable) but we suspect it's really because no one else has been able to do a better job for less. Your Dataworks CSR will be responsible for every aspect of your project from beginning to end and you will get the same level of service and responsiveness as our corporate clients. At Dataworks we truly believe every customer is equally important because satisfied clients provide referrals. Sounds a little self serving maybe but it's the truth. Use Dataworks once for a project and we are confident you will use us again and again.

Call Us

You can have a very competitive quote in just minutes. Got questions? Be assured we will have the answers you need. Let's get started on your project-you will be glad you choose Dataworks for your media replication needs.

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